Leadership Development
Top Reads for Busy Leaders
What if you had a team of researchers looking for the very best articles, blogs, and posts? And what if that team sent you an email one time each week containing twelve articles so you could be aware? Add the extra bonus of that team valuing your time by providing those articles in a list with pictures, title or short caption, and a link to the article so that you can quickly scan the list selecting only the ones of interest. The team begins with a group of content scouts reading articles for business leaders, pastors, staff members, and even parents. Then two reviewers read all submitted articles selecting the final 12 from the list of submitted 30-50 and then marketing places a resource suggestion with every email sent to our readers. Thousands receive Top Reads for Busy Leaders every week. Would you like to hire this team by covering the cost of one or more emails helping thousands of leaders stay up to speed on relevant topics? It takes $325 a week to produce Top Reads.
Translation of Books
Randall House and D6 publishes valuable books in the areas of family ministry, teacher training, theology, and other genres. We want to share such titles with churches and Christian organizations in other countries. Generally, these resources need to be translated.
Randall House and D6 is eager to work with missionary agencies, churches, and other Christian organizations to extend the ministry of our writers and help provide resources. While these groups have the gifted people to accomplish the task, often they have limited funds. While the royalties and fees are often waived, there are still real expenses incurred by the Publisher.
A number of staff hours are required even when something may be “given” for free. Files have to be made available to the translators, license agreements have to be written to protect the intellectual property of the authors, details of the process have to be communicated with the newly licensed publisher, tracking procedures for a new product have to be created.
Currently, Randall House and D6 has license agreements for our books and resources to be shared in at least 20 countries and regions, most of which have to be translated. A few are English speaking, but even those books need to be edited for the culture. Your donations help underwrite the extended ministry of Randall House and D6 around the world in Brazil, Korea, Malaysia, China, Russia, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, Denmark, France, India, Albania, South Africa, East Africa, Egypt, Chad, Ethiopia, Cuba, Mexico, and Spain. Several of these translated works are used in non-English-speaking churches in the United States. God has brought the world to our door and we have the privilege to help make disciples of all nations.
D6 International
Fung Fong in Singapore, Herbert Tan in Malaysia, Romain Denis in France, Paul Kim in South Korea, and the CEO of the Bible Society of Singapore (assists with China)— Randall House and D6 does not recruit international leaders. God brings them to us, and after careful screening, we come along side to help launch an international D6 Conference to facilitate family ministry and generational discipleship in other cultures. Deuteronomy 6 was not originally written in English and, therefore, it should come as no surprise discipleship needs are international. Numerous hours of training goes into the event planning, preparing, promoting, and hosting an international D6 Conference.
Careful attention is placed on not Americanizing the event but ensuring the scriptural principles align with the D6 mission. The leader from each country is given access to our D6 archive of conference programs, logos, themes, design files, articles, and speaker videos. Often times speaker videos are translated, sub-titled, and formatted for use. Dr. Hunter attends each international event, speaks, and supports all efforts of the international directors. Many of these events have been occurring annually since 2016. D6 international events assist missionaries and pastors in the training and equipping for discipleship and family connections making both church and home stronger. If your heart cares for people around the world and wants to make a difference in marriages, parenting, grandparenting, and overall family discipleship, then help us support international efforts in the current and next generation. Supporting such events is expensive but the eternal dividends are already evident through key testimonies. Your gifts ensure we can support the current five countries hosting the D6 Conference and help us decide which new ones we can expand into as God opens the doors.
D6 Podcast
The weekly D6 Podcast provides interviews with some of the world’s top leaders in generational discipleship and family ministry. Beginning in 2015, the D6 Podcast has encouraged and helped ministry leaders, teachers, and parents around the world. Our listeners say the weekly show provides mentoring and instruction they use for continued development. Parents can’t stop listening because of the great advice and pitfall avoidance each episode offers. We have never required a subscription cost from our listeners but production of the D6 Podcast involves three hosts, two interviewers, a post-production sound engineer, and an onsite sound engineer. Your funding of the D6 Podcast is like supporting 1000s of church staffs across the US, Asia, Europe, South America, and Africa. Likewise, you provide parenting and grandparent coaching to so many who are seeking answers. Each episode costs on average $475 to produce.
Youth Evangelistic Team
The Youth Evangelistic Team (YET) comprises Free Will Baptist teenagers from across the country who have shown a high proficiency in either music or drama during the CTS Ministry Expo. Each summer, these students meet, train, and tour to serve various ministries and communities with their talents while pointing everyone they meet to the Creator and Author of their gifts, Jesus Christ. Your investment in the Youth Evangelistic Team helps carry the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ across the United States as these students minister in local churches through song and drama.
Truth & Peace Leadership Conference
Truth & Peace offers the premier leadership training conference for Free Will Baptist high school students. Each year, students from across the country, in grades 9-12, meet for two weeks of intensive leadership training. The culmination of the conference places the teens in internship-style roles at the Vertical Three Conference where the Truth & Peace students put their training into practice as the staff of the Vertical Three Conference. Your investment in the ministry of Truth & Peace helps develop the next generation of leaders in the Free Will Baptist denomination and the overall body of Christ.
CTS Ministry Expo
Free Will Baptists have a long and fruitful history of supporting youth ministry and discipleship training. In 1850, the northern Free Will Baptists established the Society of Free Baptist Young People. The name later changed to Advocates of Christian Fidelity. In 1920, the organization became known as the Free Will Baptist League. Following the 1935 organizational meeting of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, the League became an official board of the denomination.
The first national League Conference was held June 1948, represented by students from 14 states and Cuba. The FWB League and the WNAC sponsored a teen banquet and youth rally at the 1962 FWB National Convention. Two years later a Children’s Rally was scheduled for preschool and elementary children.
In 1964, the name of the League Board was changed to the Church Training Board and the Church Training Service (CTS) was adopted as name of the program. The CTS Department developed training materials and curriculum for preschool through adults and expanded the FWB League Sword Drill and Declamation competition, adding Bible Bowl and Bible Tic Tac Toe. The Music and Arts Festival was added to the youth conference in 1972.
The Church Training Service and the Sunday School departments were merged in 1978. In 1983, the Randall House Youth Ministries Division was developed, which launched the Student and Children’s Ministry that transitioned to Vertical Three in 2012. The Bible Competition and Music & Arts Festival was renamed CTS Ministry Expo in 2015.
While the programing and structure has changed over the years, the commitment to discipleship and training has remained a constant goal. The goal of the CTS Expo focuses less on the competition and more on the preparation of these young people. The programs and training of these ministries have helped prepare leaders and disciples literally around the world.
Your monthly gift continues the legacy of helping students learn God’s Word, improve their talents, develop their leadership, and dedicate their hearts for faithful service to God in their culture and local church.